Durant els primers dies de curs, l'alumnat de 5è ha treballat Leonardo Da Vinci, un artista considerat un símbol del Renaixement. Després de buscar informació sobre ell, i a través de dues de les seves obres més conegudes, L'home de Vitruvi i la Gioconda, han pogut conèixer més profundament l'estil d'aquest autor.
Finalment, sense perdre l'essència i mantenint la mirada peculiar de la famosa Mona Lisa, l'alumnat ha creat la seva pròpia Gioconda, tot convinant textures i alguns materials.
![La Gioconda 5è](https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8618/29774147743_1f6fd5782d_z.jpg)
Ara bé, abans d'acomiadar-nos d'aquest autor i després d'haver-lo treballat, què recordeu sobre la Gioconda? Podríeu completar la següent informació?
- It is considered one of the most __________ portraits in the world.
- It was painted by ___________.
- Nowadays it is in the _______ Museum (Paris)
- The painting is also known as “___________”
- The real name of the woman was Lisa de ___________.
- Gioconda is one of the most expensive ___________ in the world.
- Some years ago, it was ________ by a thief.
- The painting receives more than 6 _________ of visits per year.
It is considered one of the most famous portraits in the world.
ResponEliminaIt was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.
Nowadays it is in the Louvre Museum (Paris)
The painting is also known as “Mona Lisa”
The real name of the woman was Lisa de Giocondo.
Gioconda is one of the most expensive painting in the world.
Some years ago, it was stolen by a thief.
The painting receives more than 6 million of visits per year.
Clàudia, Àlex, David i Marc. 5èC