divendres, 2 de febrer del 2018

Let's make a recipe

Durant aquest mes de gener, l'alumnat de 6è ha treballat l'estructura d'una recepta en anglès. Cadascú va triar una recepta que li agradés, va buscar informació sobre els ingredients i la preparació, la va escriure en anglès i finalment la va exposar davant la classe de manera oral.

Alhora, molts dels alumnes es van animar a preparar la seva recepta a casa i ens van portar un tastet. Moltes gràcies per la implicació i felicitats pels resultats!

During the month of January, students of 6th grade have worked on the structure of a recipe in English. They chose a recipe that they liked, they looked for information about the ingredients and the preparation, and finally they wrote it in English. At the end, they exposed it orally to the rest of the students.

At the same time, many of the children were encouraged to prepare their recipe at home and they brought us a tasting. Thank you very much for your involvement and congratulations for the results!

Recipe 6th

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